Monday, January 4, 2010

happy 4 month birthday sweet olivia!

today was olivia's 4 month well visit. it's also her 4 month birthday. she did great, smiled at the doctor the whole time. right up until the point where she got 4 vaccinations. it has not gotten any easier for me to watch my children get stuck with a needle and then cry in pain. she is 25 3/4 inches tall and weighs 16 lbs & 1 ounce. comparing her to owen at his 4 month well visit she is about an inch shorter and weighs about 2.5 lbs less. when olivia and i got home from the doctor owen was so happy we were back. he was very curious about his sister and how she did at her appointment. owen either calls her "baby olivia" or "baby girl". it's just so darn cute. so i asked him, "owen, what are you going to call her when she isn't a baby anymore, because one day she is going to be big like you?" of course his reply back was "mommy, i'm going to call her baby olivia". kind of like, duh mom, that's her name!!!


Christine Bilek said...

What a cute little ladybug you have! I love the idea of taking monthly pictures in her chair!